Release of debt tax case – what does this mean for business owners?
In this video, Jon Chambers, a Senior Manager in our Tax team outlines what business owners can learn from the recent England and Anor V HMRC [2023] court case.
Jon discusses:
- the details of the court case,
- HMRCs argument,
- the taxpayers argument,
- the outcome of both arguments,
- what the tribunal found in this case,
- what this means for business owners,
- what issues business owners could face as a result of an inquiry,
- how a Tax Investigation Service could have supported in this case, and
- what cover Price Bailey’s Tax Investigation Service can provide.
If you have a question relating to anything mentioned in this video, you can contact Jon using the form below.
We always recommend that you seek advice from a suitably qualified adviser before taking any action. The information in this article only serves as a guide and no responsibility for loss occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of this material can be accepted by the authors or the firm.